Love your life and make it better!

Today is Valentine’s Day!

My heart is racing.

My palms are sweaty.

I am really excited!

I actually feel like I am going to have a heart attack.

No, I am not anticipating an evening out with my husband. (he has to leave for work by 9 anyway.)

Last week I set a goal for myself and I have achieved it!

I have regained control over my hopes and dreams.

I have:

  1. Posted on my blog almost everyday.
  2. Started a brand new bank account.
  3. Downloaded and learned new draw software.
  4. Created a couple logos.
  5. Wrote an Ebook.
  6. Published it.
  7. Started my Estore. and
  8. Posted this announcement!

I still have some marketing work to do but I will have it all done by the end of the week. You can see the purchasing information on my Ebook on my publishing page


It’s all Brand New!

It’s a brand new day, in a brand new year! It may not be the first day of this new year but who says new beginnings have to start at the beginning?

I have a lot going on in my life right now and the next two weeks of February are BOOKED solid. In spite of that, I have decided to try something totally BRAND NEW to me! Something that I have wanted to do all my life.

Unfortunately, I am going to save the announcement for one week and tell you all about it on Valentine’s Day! In order to become a woman of strength sometimes you have to put some things aside and pamper yourself.

Now that we have that all set up let’s get into today’s topic. I was really inspired lately by some professional women I am lucky to be friends with on facebook. My inspiration was then motivated by the following commercial shown during the Superbowl.

When I first saw this commercial I was floored. This is NOT like any other commercial I have ever seen. This is the commercial that shows that real life can have the fairy tale qualities we all look for.

I have always dreamed of a relationship like this one and know that I have finally found the relationship of my dreams. Who wouldn’t want a man that strives to be the man his wife dreams about everyday? Comments? What did you think of this commercial?